Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cuti Panjang???????

Hi guys...lately, I don't have the mood to write..pembawakan budak kot???..hihihi...yup, alhamdulillah I've been lucky to get pregnant (refferring to my gynae's term) so soon after the endometrisis's treatment...even my gynae didn't believe it..what the last pregnancy I already have morning sickness, but not as bad as the last one...just keluar angin je not the food that I ate..alhamdulillah..last time with Faiz, ya allah sampai underweight..doakanlah ye saya kandungan saya sihat dan saya selamat, guys..for the mean time maybe I only write once a week or once a month????...hihi let's see...for now..bye2

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ampu/Kipas/Mulut Celupar

Kenapalah org melayu suka sgt mengampu.................meluat betul la.........If u guys adore or admire that person, u don't have to worship her...I myself tend to adore people, but I don't need to pretend that I like all her stufss or say something like "cutenyeeeeeeeeeeee anak u" as if your own x kiut langsung n guysssssss, all babies are cute what..u don't have to over exagerate....but all of these people, waaaa...always agreed in what she wear/buy/do...come on la...I'm following her blog to, and I agree in some ways she's beautiful and lucky....Once, I even leave a comment in her blog, give compliment to her makeover n honestly the make-up artist did a very good job.....n, that's all.....just follow her blog need to kipas2 one......have been keep all this meluatness since more thing, if u don't like certain person, pls,pls,pls don't give harsh comments la...if u condemned her physical, remember, u condemned Allah moderate la...u can give critism but do it nicely....sudah2la gaduh one of the fellow blogger said "baik fikir pasal benda kat gaza n boycott all the products fm US which support n funding Israel (Jahanam).... dari korang gaduh2 kat blog org tu...xde maknanye...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baby Zulaikha

Ya allah, ya tuhanku tabahkanlah hati seorang ibu ini...bacalah blog ini kawan2...saya dah nangis bengkak2 mata...kalaulah terjadi pada saya...nauzubillah..Al-fatihah pd baby Zulaikha

Monday, January 12, 2009


Speak about cleanser, I loose count on how many brand that I've already used and tried....ok, let, ysl, menard, lancome, biotherm, bodyshop (teatree), sk11...uh, uh, uh..don't forget the local/indonesian owned...mustika ratu, bml, nv, shadira, puteri rembulan...maybe all of u think that i purposely like to try all of these products n enjoy doing it, no,no, is becoz last time my face was so sensitive, acne-prone, got blemishes..n half of this product didn't do justice to my, i have to keep on trying to find which brand will suit my sensitive skin......after trying so many overseas producst, I get frustrated n switch to 'not so local' brand, that is NV..but. It was a traumatic exprecienced for skin was badly peel-off n all of my friends keep on asking what have happened to my face....maluuuuuu...after weeks of suffering suddenly 'wallah' most of the pimples skin tone improved...I stop using this product after I found out that I'm's bcoz the toner has a strong acidic smell n i'm afraid it will affect my baby..alhamdulillah my skin is still in good condition after that....soon I started using this local brand 'Shadira', n then 'Puteri Rembulan' last call was SKII, and currently I'm using thissssssss....hihihihi..

This is the most excellent cleanser that I've ever tried....I don't need any make-up remover, I'll just massage this gel on my face n clean it off with cotton pad n water...there's no more stains on my telekung as a result fm not removing my make-up properly even after using SKII facial gel..(this incident always occur when I performed my prayer at the office)...this cleanser is foamless n fragrance free, so, it's suitable for most sensitive this product is completely non-alkaline, non-comedogonic and is very, for u guys who have sensitive skin just try this product.....maybe it suits u..

Saturday, January 10, 2009



Mama: Faiz nangis jerit2 dlm classrom ye tadi, mama ngan ayah dengar suara Faiz sampai bawah.
Faiz: Iye...
Mama: Teacher Faiz cakap apa Faiz nangis camtu?
Faiz: Ms Lee cakap "quiet..quiet.."...'quiet' tu apa mama?
Mama: Quiet tu suruh Faiz senyap, Faiz nangis sampai org lain nak belajar pun susah..hihihi
Faiz: Ooooooooo..


Mama: Faiz, masa Faiz nangis tadi Ms Lee cakap apa?
Faiz: Ms Lee x cakap apa2 sbb Faiz nangis senyap2...
Mama: La...nangis jugak..


Mama: Faiz nangis x tadi?
Faiz: Iye..lepas tu Ms Lee cakap "Ayah 'work', ayah 'work'..don't cry"..'work tu apa mama?
Mama: Kerja..
Faiz: Faiz nak work jugak..
Mama: Hai...tadika pun x abis lagi nak work dah..besar nanti Faiz nak jadi apa?
Faiz: (with full confidence) Ultraman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mama: Hey, bukan main2 la..ultraman tu x wujud tau..(mcm Faiz tau je apa maksud wujud tu)
Faiz: Oops sorry mama...Faiz nak keje ofis mcm ayah..
Mama: Ha mcm tu baru ok..hihihi

Wednesday (I'm not in the mood to ask him wether he had been crying today, but my husband told me this morning he was crying when hubby sent him to his classroom)..

Thursday ( Today I 'm sending him to the school coz hubby knows Faiz will not doing his antics if I' m around..mak kan garang...testing, testing..when it was tthe time for him to go to the classroom, his face started to change, I waved my hand and first he just staring at me..but I kept on waving n smiling to him n this time he waved his hand n smile back to me..sejuk ati mak eventhough I can see he got teary eyes..)

So, when I called him after he reached home:

Faiz: Mama!!! Hari ni Faiz x nangis pun...
Mama: Good boy..Faiz kan budak baik..Faiz belajar ape hari ni?
Faiz: ABC (started to sing the ABC song)
Mama: Clever..esok jgn nangis lagi tau..

Friday (yeay..Faiz was not crying today..eventhough he has been coughing since last night..)

Faiz: Mama..arini Faiz dah tau nama2 kawan Faiz tau..(yela, sblm ni asyik melalak je mana nak sempat berkenalan..hihihi)
Mama: Yeke..sapa nama kawan2 Faiz ?
Faiz: Adila (amboi mesti nama girl dulu), Kak Long, Adam, Irfan, Iman, blabla...
Mama: Faiz borak apa dengan kawan2?
Faiz: Pasal 'don't cry"..
Mama: Ha! kenapa, Faiz nangis lagi ke? (mama dia ni overacting sikit, suka terkejut)
Faiz: Bukannnnnnnnn..Faiz cakap kat Kak Long tu "dont cry", sbb dia nangis lagi..(dia lak jadi kaunselor..mentang2 la da x nangis..hihi)..lepas tu kan Ms Lee tanya "where's your mama"...Faiz cakap my mama go shopping...
Mama: Bertuah punye anak..mama tertonggeng2 keje kat ofis Faiz cakap mama go shopping..
Faiz: Hihihihi...


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mama's First day - BC

In my last n3 i wrote about Faiz's first its my turn..just finished my class at hubby had to fetched me coz it's quite dangerous for me to go to parking late at my surprised, my MIL was in the hubby told me that 'mama' as we refer her to, asked why i'm wasting money take this BC course, I might as well learn from her...and 'mama' told me before this she already took Japanese and Mandarin class but, she already forgot how to converse in the languages bcoz lack of practices...she afraid i will end up like her...i told her "Mama...I just want to gain my's not that i don't know the language, but i'm too shy to speak in, in this class i have many friends that can help me, correct me.."..and they're really a bunch of nice people..and then she told me "Ok Sha, next time you have to speak in English with ayah (FIL) and all the family members including Faiz..Fairuz n Firdaus (my hubby's niece n nephew) is already coping well with the language...and one more person is Luke (my SIL's husband, an english man..they will coming back in late Feb).."...before this when my SIL back for a holiday with her husband i became mute...i'm very shy to jump into their conversations, i would only nod my head to show that i understand what are they talked about...pity me isn't it?, Luke like to tease me about this thing, he would asked me to sit next to him n asked me questions..but, i never take it seriously n i never take it to my SIL is vey wonderful, she always translated my line to Luke..what am i babling, my dear friends..just wish me luck n pray for me..bear with all the broken grammar..i have to practiceeeeeeeeeee...btw, my tutor is an Aussie guy, quite handsome..hihihi gatalllllllll..married.. his name is Ralph..very nice person too..
p/s kawan2ku sila jgn muntah hijau ngan entry kali ni..i a need support from u all..

Monday, January 5, 2009


Lalalalala esok saya start keje...lalalalala hubby sorang yg hantar Faiz gi school...lalalalala Faiz kena tinggal sorang...lalalalala saya xyah tengok Faiz jadi ala2 Rapunzel (betul ke eja ni) sambil pegang saputangan kesat air mata dari tingkat atas classroom mengharapkan kami selamatkan dia.....lalalala saya rasa seronok nak pegi keje (don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like to be SAHM but I already working for more than 12 yrs....dah sebati...masa confinement pun rasa nak hilang akal...but my son son is still attached to me dearly..he knows mama have to go to work to find money ..luv u Faiz)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Birthday treat

Seperti biasa, saya xkan dapat hadiah dr hubby masa birthday mahupun pada ocassions yg lain coz mmg we all camtu dari zaman lovey-dovey..sbb we all akan bagi s'thing special x semestinya pada hari2 tertentu sahaja..kalau rasa nak bagi, bila2 we all akan bagi sesama sendiri..mula2 terasa gak, tapi bila da lama best pulak sbb mcm surprise, tepat 12am last night masa saya sibuk surfing hubby dtg n kiss saya sambil cakap "Happy Birthday yang.."..(sila jgn muntah ye kawan2ku..)..pastu hari ni dia treat saya makan buffet..oops bukan saya sorang je, anda sume tahukan bodyguard saya yg sorang tu mesti terselit..we all makan kat Crowne Plaza Hotel formerly kat sana dulu Hotel Hilton..the food okla..bukan boleh makan banyak mana pun..tapi, kita confuse, hari ni birthday kita ke, birthday budak sorang tu..dia lak yg beria2 celebrate ngan clown...

Faiz's version of Happy Birthday

2day is my 33rd birthday..just ignore the number guys..hihihi..sila abaikan pocong di belakang tu ye...

Creative or desperate?

Kenapakah kain pelikat hubbyku tergantung pada lampu ikea itew???Adakah untuk dikeringkan?,no,no..ini adalah desperate attemped for the light to be dim..alkisahnye bulb yg original terbakar, tinggal bulb yg 100w je..spare utk lampu bilik Faiz xleh tido dlm gelap sejak tido asing ni..sbb dia akan terbangun tengah2 malam...kalau dia nampak we all dia akan tido balik..kalau gelap gelita je secara otomatik dia akan melompat tido tengah2 we all..hihi

Sebelum tido asing, guna lampu duck ni..utk halau nyamuk skali...Faiz x puas hati sbb cahaya lampu di sikit sgt..still gelap...cian lampu ni, dah x pakai..

Bukan main aman lagi.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Faiz's 2nd day..eeeei geramnye

Masa hantar Faiz kat kelas di ok je...siap nyanyi2..'bangun pagi, gosok gigi....lalala' ngan teacher dia...bila teacher tanye 'senang hati x pegi sekolah?'..dia siap jerit 'yeeeeeeeeee!'..sume parents kat situ puji 'good boy'..kembang setaman mak dia..then, teacher cakap la parents sume boleh tunggu kat luar ye...kita siap salam n cium Faiz, dia pun bye2 kita sambil sengih2...adala 2-3 org budak melalak x hengat punye..kita intai balik Faiz, kita tengok dia x comfortable tapi stil sengih2 n main lagi...kita turun bawah n tunggu kat luar ngan hubby..masa tu kat kindy tu da hingar-bingar ngan tangisan budak2...bayangkanla budak2 penuh satu umah banglo 2 tingkat...tiba2 kita terdengar suara tangisan yg amat familiar...'nak mama!!!!!!!!!'...kita pandang hubby...masing2 tahula itu suara Faiz...ya allah, siap histeria lagi...menjerit2...hubby dah nak go to the rescue, kita tahan..yela nnti da keje bukan ada org nak rescue dia lagi...kita tengok muka hubby da lain macam..sekejap Faiz diam sekejap melalak...masa they all turun basuh tgn kat washroom, kita dgr suara Faiz lagi berselang-seli ngan suara budak2 lain..last2 tara tahan, kita masuk n pangill dia..punyela lari peluk kita sambil nangis mcm setahun x jumpa..kita punyela gerammmmmmmmmm...kita bawak dia naik kelas dia siap x bagi kita turun bawah, tunggu luar kelas xpe...kita pun bisik kat telinga dia kata2 ancaman (ni da geram betul da ni)...dia makan n stop crying..bila dia tengok kita ada dia participate la balik aktiviti dlm kelas..wah anak aku ni cepat betul bertukar personaliti dia...bila nak balik cikgu suruh beratur dia bantai menangis lagi sbb tak nampak kita terlindung ngan badan cikgu tu..sabo je la...kita sakit hati tu bukan apa..bukan nak kata anak kita bagus, tapi kebanyakan budak yg nangis kat dlm tu sbb tengok budak2 lain nangis dulu termasuk la Faiz ni..lagi satu mak bapak yg x reti bahasa, kalau teacher dah suruh bla kau bla la..yg ko tertonggok depan kelas tu buat apa!!!!..jadi budak2 yg parents dia da bla, tengok parents budak lain ada mesti dia heran kenapa parents dia xde situ..tu yg melalak berjangkit2 mcm kena histeria tu..dahla next Tuesday kita naik keje...they all x keje bolela tertonggok situ hari2 tengok anak...harus histeria lagi anak kita...dalam kereta Faiz kena brainwashed ngan kita n hubby...bila hubby tanye 'Kenapa Faiz nangis, teacher marah ke?'...tahu apa jawapan dia 'Teacher x pukul, tapi bila Faiz tengok ada budak nangis Faiz nangis la, Faiz takut mama dah hilang..'..kita cakap ngan dia 'Faiz bukan kena tinggal kat tadika, kan Faiz balik umah jugak'..dia pandang kita sambil terkebil2..kita nak tengok Monday ni camne...harap2 xdela mak bapak budak yg x reti bahasa lagi..

Friday, January 2, 2009

Faiz's first day at kindergarden..

Date : 2nd Jan 2009
Place : St. Ronan Kindergarden, Titiwangsa

Muka ngantuk ada lagi..

Early breakfast at McD

Faiz duduk sebelah amoi

Faiz antara yg small size kat kelas ni

Teacher suruh beratur, Faiz tangkap lentok pulak kat girl

Ooops..ini out of topic..pre-birthday present fm my sis..balik dari kindy my sis jemput ajak tengok SIL dia gave birth kat Prince Court..pastu pegi Pavilion, lunch n beli my presie..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tooth Fairy took mine oredy...

My niece Ariana Fildza..7 years old..hihihi..(jgn marah angah tau..)

p/s: saya sudah tuka title blog saya sbb saya pemalas utk tunjukkan apa2 yg saya da, the title was irrelevant..

Selamat Tahun Baru

Selamat Tahun Baru...tahun ini tahun yg agak mencabar bagi kita n hubby...disahkan ada endometrisis n buat laposcrapy...umah husband kat BA terancam kerana landslide..alhamdulillah, dah selesai..ada juga rahmat dari tuhan untuk tahun ni..dapat promotion n naik pangkat..kita n hubby ada simpanan yg boleh menjamin kalau ada kecemasan..manage jual rumah n ada untung, alhamdulillah....apa2 yg terjadi, insyaallah ada hikmah..walau saya x mewah at least selesa di tahap sekarang ni...semoga tuhan murahkan rezeki kami berdua, in term of baby or wealth..insyaallah..
p/s : pics tu sume dari view depan pintu umah saya...nasib Faiz x terbangun tido..

Menara KL

Faiz ngan racoon kat entrance..comel..

Macam iye2 je Faiz ni..

Faiz n mama

Faiz n ayah

Kampung Baru..clear sgt nampak umah we all..kalau ada org depan rumah boleh tahula sape..

Menara AIA

Hard Rock Cafe

Sekitar KLCC
Corat Coret:
1.Hubby siap intai office dia n nampak keta FIL parking (siap nampak plate no)
2.Faiz tiba-tiba berkata 'mama jgn marah tau'..bila tanye kenapa?..jawabnye 'Faiz nak berakla..'..selepas menghabiskan corn in a cup..sabo je la..
3.Masuk ke tempat animal kat bawah, Faiz histeria nampak ular sawa albino, husband histeria nampak spider...mama? siap usap ular tu lagi..hihihi..
Kan kita da kata kita mereng kalau cuti duduk umah je...harus hubbyku kena carik tempat merayau...