Sunday, September 21, 2008

My department - Remittance's bow for fun

Rasa nak cite pasak keje pulak. Actually, kita keje kat bank. I love my work and my circle of colleagues. Sebelum promote kita keje kita keje kat satu unit ni yg mmg havoc keje sbb volume tinggi. Kiranye dari pagi sampai ke malam mmg keje la xde tuang2....tapi yg buat kita seronok walaupun dah stress tahap cipan (hehe) ialah org2 di sekeliling superiors n partners n also my sporting senior manager (btw my sm is a "she"). Walaupun kitaorang sibuk, ketawa terbahak2 itu adalah satu kewajipan, so unit kitaorang mmg kecohla..the funny thing is when other unit kecoh n ketawa2 my SM will scold them n ask them to go, one of the officer from that unit asked my SM "why that unit you never scold them when they're laughing like hell?"..tahu apa SM kita jawab, "they all xpela coz if i don't allow them to laugh they will crack under pressure'...punya la mcm tu skali. Bila kita diberitahu yg kita dpt promotion perasaan tu bercampur2 happy, sad n excited. Happy coz I know there's is people who recognize my work..alhamdulillah n murah rezeki, sad coz i had to go to other unit..excited coz i wil learn new things...skrang ni volume keje kita x tinggi sgt so bolehla balik on more overtime until 9 or 10pm..dulu siap kena breastfeed Faiz dlm kete..huhu..tapi bila tgk kat tempat lama they all bz rasa kesian..nak tolong nnti my current unit head cakap apa lak..xpela nnti sume dah auto mungkin ok...sedih.....
My beloved RM unit...Kak Lis, SM Rose, Dila, Kak Nor, Fara, myself, Ju, Abg Zainal (sporting), Abg Amb (pak lawak), Hurri, Abg Jalil..

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